Mon-Sat 11:30:00 - 12:00:00
Sun 10:00:00 - 01:00:00
Earles Prudential In Boston.Check out rooftop at sunset if possible.
Parking: HC parking in Prudential Garage Entrance: Wide open entrance during business hours. Ramps: Medium grade ramps take you up to dining rooms. Elevator: In far back of main floor. Spacious elevator takes you to upper dining room and patio. WC Lift: Tight. Host will help you if needed. Takes you from elevator to upper area. Or take ramps. Seeating: Accessible tables are in main dining room. Bar arra inside is all high tops and booths on risers.Outdoor patio tables are all low and accessible tables. High tops onli at bar area. Bars are normal height. Interior: Spacious inside in most spots. Can get tight in main floor bar at times. Restroom: Main floor Accessible restroom is off in corner of main dining room. Easy open door. Very spacious inside. Elevator: Is off in corner of main dining room but hard to open. Adequate space inside. Get help. Very slow. Where To Wheel Accessibility RatingOverall Rating: (3.3)
HC Parking :
Entrance :
Spaciousness of Venue :
Accessible Seating :
Restroom :
Elevator :
Ramp Steepness :
Counter Height :
Not Rated
Curb Cut :
Not Rated Accessibility Features
Street Level Entrance
Ramp Medium Grade
Elevator Adequate sized
Entrance Opens Out
Adequate Space Inside
Designated Accessible Seating
Accessible Restroom
Restroom Opens In
Semi-Difficult to Open
Stall is Spacious
Fully Accessible Restroom Features
HC parking in Garage
Aisles are Adequate Width
Grab Bars in Stall
WC Fits Under Sink
Automatic Sink
Automatic Hand Dryer
Patio/Deck Accessible Seating
No Curb Cut Near
Wheelchair Lift
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